
Naturbosco - Truffle Infused Olive Oil - White Truffle 60ml


Naturbosco infuses quality Tuscan extra virgin olive oil with pieces of precious white truffle to produce an oil that delivers the intense and unique flavour of white truffle at a fraction of the price.


Most truffle oils contain no actual truffles. Rather, they are synthetically flavoured with dithiapentane.  This is not the case with Naturbosco who use pieces of truffle to impart an authentic and intense truffle flavour and aroma.

The tuber magnatum pico is Italy’s indigenous truffle. It is found around the Langhe area of Piemonte, particularly around the town of Alba. Alba hosts an infamous truffle fair from the last week of September until the end of the season, which normally lasts all of autumn.

Unlike the French Périgord truffle, it is impossible to cultivate this white truffle thus it is indisputably the world’s most sought after truffle. It is found around oak, hazel, poplar and beech trees. The tuber magnatum pico has a pale cream or sometimes brown flesh, with white marbling.  It is nearly always consumed raw, which ensures that its intoxicating aroma is protected.

Serving Suggestions: Drizzled over risotto, pasta, salad or even scrambled eggs.  The flavour of truffle pairs well with asparagus, mushroom, and most root vegetables. It can be used to add pungency to dishes with red meat, poultry and game.


  • Real white truffle infusion
  • Quality Tuscan EVOO
  • No artificial aromas or flavours